About Me

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I don't write for a living, but I live to write. I have over 600K words penned but not a dang thing published. Im a pescatarian who also happens to love yoga. (Cliche, yes Im aware) I read as much as I write sooooo- books don't last long with me. I talk to myself- like alot- , I love camping, I want to move to Tenn, and the number one person in my life JC. So there ya have it. Come hang out with me.... ;)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"My thoughts on you"

Completely miserable
chocking distress
a thousand heartaches
bourn of a sleepless dream
haunting my obsessed mind
Empty emotions
brilliantly displayed on a platter of a platernal façade
only broken promises
whispering in my psychosis


Absolute betrayal
of the sixth sense
the sagacity that belies within human law;
the internal desire
competing to the demise
with the external standard
To deny the fundamental necessities 
would be to trade your soul to Beelzebub
and then stand forth and refute it
An original poem written about "My Muse"

Death Comes for us all

So I lost my puppy a few days ago. I had only had him about a week. But after four days I found out he had Parvo. For  those of you who do not know what Parvo is- it is a virus that affects the intestines in dogs. It slowly eats away the lining- affectingly killing the defenseless dog. It is very common, highly contagious and has about a fifty percent survival rate. My poor Kratos did not make it. He went to the vet on a Wednesday and they were very hopeful because he was alert, drinking water and in decent weight.
But just three days later his ten week old body shut down and gave into the disease. It was heart breaking and I cried for hours straight. I don't know how he had worked his way into my heart after a week, but i love him dearly. To watch him waste away like that and so fast... i just... I just broke down.

Please cherish the ones you love. Whether it be a human or beloved family pet. We never know how long we have with them. If it's seventy years, seventeen years, seven years or seven days... it never seems to be enough.

I miss you Kratos!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


OK, so this is the first ever Flash Fiction run done by me. I am a little nervous, a lot excited and totally hopeful. The following posts will be the free writings of authors around the world. I hope everyone Enjoys them as much as I do!!

Flash Fictions rules:

This is an original composition, thought of and penned by you!

The word count: 600ish. (Please try to keep it under 800)

Writing is an expression of one's thoughts and feelings so though I would appreciate the writing content to be close to pg13... R- won't necessarily be discounted. However "X" rated writings will not be considered. (Please refrain from violent sexual acts including, but not limited to, torture, rape or molestation, and graphic content. (Thanks!)

The topic is : Dream. --Dreams, Dreamer, Dreaming... any form of "dream" you can think of.

Deadline is MARCH 1st Midnight Eastern Standard Time. (I can barely keep track of what time it is right here, right now- let alone what time it is where you are sending it from. LOL) Any e-mails received after that will not even be opened. (sorry) :(
How to address the e-mail 1.Subject *Flash Fiction* 2. Body *Story Title. Your name (or the name you preferred to be referred to as). 3. Any links- IE: twitter, blogs etc, if you would like people to see more of your work.

It's lame, i know, but i have an e-mail linked to my twitter account. Please e-mail all submission to Kenado82@yahoo.com 

Dream on friends!
Happy Writing!